Our Mission is to create a welcoming and supportive environment where
people of all ages and backgrounds can come together to create opportunities.
Our Vision is for a vibrant Brixham where everyone feels valued,
connected and able to live a fulfilled life.
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Our organisation is currently recruiting! We are seeking a treasurer to join our board of Trustees, to help us shape the future and to challenge and support the delivery of the organisation. Please see the job specification below to find out more.
The Youth Enquiry Service Brixham Ltd. is based at The Edge, in Brixham, the smallest of three towns that make up the coastal tourist resort of Torbay.
Brixham is a small fishing port in a beautiful location but because of its geographical position and areas of deprivation, it has underlying problems which need creative initiatives in order to help its community to thrive.
YES. has always responded to the needs of the local people and looks at ways to break down barriers and build bridges so that they realise their valued roles in their community.
Equality Statement: YES Brixham Ltd will not unlawfully, unfairly or unreasonably discriminate against or treat any individual less favourably on the grounds of their religion or belief, sex, marital status, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, maternity or paternity status.
YES. believes in recognising that each individual person is of equal value irrespective of background, colour, religion, disablity, status, sexual orientation, ethnicity and ability.
YES. offers a free and confidential service to people of all ages, information & advice, volunteering opportunities, life skill workshops, gardening on our community allotment, music workshops,
yoga workshops, a role playing club, arts and crafts, shower facilities and clothes washing facilities, chill out spaces and a cafe area all in a welcoming and safe environment.
Other groups & clubs can hire room space when available, at competitive rates.